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Config Maps

By default, this is enabled.

Sync ConfigMap resources that are used by pods from the virtual cluster to the host cluster. Apps frequently need configuration data to function.

Sync only used ConfigMaps from the virtual to host cluster

Sync any ConfigMap that is used by a Pod synced from the virtual to host cluster.

enabled: true

Sync all ConfigMaps from the virtual to host cluster

If you have a resource in the host cluster monitoring ConfigMap objects that aren't required by a Pod to run, then you can enable the all option.

enabled: true
all: true

Config reference

Do Not Disable

Disabling the syncing of this resource could cause the vCluster to not work properly.

configMaps required object pro

ConfigMaps defines if config maps created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.

enabled required boolean false pro

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.

all required boolean false pro

All defines if all resources of that type should get synced or only the necessary ones that are needed.